November 15, 2023

Getting Started on July

Congrats! You’re officially a July Creator. You now have access to a whole suite of tools that have been specially crafted for creators just like you — from custom media kits, to contracts, to invoicing tools, and more! We have everything you need to kick start your business, pitch yourself, land deals, and get paid.

Feeling a little overwhelmed? We get it. With so much to explore, it’s hard to know where to begin. Keep reading for our quick and easy guide to getting started on July!

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Signing Up
  1. We are password-less so don’t worry about losing or forgetting your sign-in details. We’ll always send an email to let you into your account.

  2. The most important thing you need to accomplish during the sign up process is to connecting your Instagram to our platform. Don’t worry — we don’t have access to any of your personal information, your log-in is completely encrypted. Connecting your Instagram allows our algorithm to match you with brands based on your content and auto-populate features like our Media Kit and Rate Calculator.

  3. If you have trouble connecting your Instagram or linking it to your Facebook, check out this super easy guide to fix any issues you may be having.

  4. You can also connect your TikTok and Youtube accounts at this time.

Connecting Your Gmail
  1. Once you’ve made it into your Discover Dashboard ****(think of it as your July home-base), you’re going to want to connect your email to your account. All log-in information is protected and encrypted for your safety. Connecting your Gmail will allows you to send pitches through your email directly to brands.

  2. To see this process in action, go ahead and send a test pitch to yourself. Using the first contact template, you can send a message to your email. This will show you what a brand will receive when you pitch yourself.

Check Out Your Matches
  1. Go and check out your brand preferences. Make sure the content categories selected match your content and niche. This will affect the brands you are matched with. You can always go back and change these later as well.

  1. Now, you can check out your matches. The brands that you see on your ‘For You’ tab have been specifically chosen since they’ve worked with creators similar to you. Click into each of these brand cards learn more about the brand — their website, Instagram feed, and previous creators they’ve collaborating with.

  2. You can also check out our Brand Book to browse through all the brands in our database by categories or check out our July Partners.

Media Kit
  1. Before you send your first real pitch, head to your Media Kit. Depending on which social platforms you connected, all of your information should be auto-uploaded to your media kit. You can edit your header, change your bio (or use AI to write it for you), add past-partnership case studies, set your rates, and pick which metrics you’d like to display.

  2. Then pick your mode (light or dark) and your preferred color. You will have a unique url that you can now use to share your media kit — add it to your pitch templates, save it in your link in bio, and send it out to brands!

  1. With your media kit successfully created, you can now craft your opening pitch. You’ll want to link your media kit into this your customized template.

  2. We have a ton of templates for you to explore, but let’s start with our “First Contact” template.

  1. In the editing window, adjust this pitch to reflect your tone of voice and add any important information you’d like to disclose up-front.

  2. You’ll notice certain words are highlighted in blue — this means they’re a dynamic variable and our system will fill in the correct information for you. You can hover over any blue word with your mouse to see its function. The media kit variable will link your media kit right into your initial pitch.

  3. After you’ve edited your pitch, you can name it and save it to your Templates Dashboard.

  1. Now that you’ve perfected your opening pitch, head back to the Discover Dashboard. Go ahead and take a look at your matches. When you see a brand you’d like to pitch, click the plus sign on the brand card to add it to your queue. Your queue will show up in the bottom righthand corner of your screen. You can add as many brands as you’d like to your queue. For right now, choose up to four brands to add.

  1. You can then select the template you created earlier and pitch to all of your queued brands at once. An email will be sent from your Gmail account to each brand’s partnerships department, with the correct company name filled in. 

  1. Any brands you’re uninterested in pitching can be deleted by clicking into the card and choosing the trashcan icon.

  2. Now that you’ve sent off your first pitches, take a look around the Brand Book and see who else you’d like to outreach to. Sign up for a free trial of our Career Plan to unlock more pitching credits!

You just finished our July Crash Course! Now you’ll be pitching like a pro in no time. Take a look at our Creator Resources page for more how-to guides and don’t forget to keep exploring July. There’s more tools like our rate calculator, contract scanner, and invoicing platform waiting for you use!

July Technologies Inc partners with Stripe Payments Company for money transmission services and account services with funds held at Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.

July Technologies Inc partners with Stripe Payments Company for money transmission services and account services with funds held at Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.

July Technologies Inc partners with Stripe Payments Company for money transmission services and account services with funds held at Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.